When Can My Child Apply to University?

Early Decision (ED)

Deadlines are 11/1 or 11/15. For best advantage, a student should be the first to apply ED. Be done testing by June (SAT) or July (ACT) because the Common App(lication) (which is a website students go to to apply to many universities at once) opens August 1st. Students applying early can take the test as late as August (SAT) or September (ACT), and in some cases October (SAT, ACT). ED could confer the greatest advantage because it is binding– students who get in are committed. Universities love ED because it improves yield– the percent admitted who go– which improves rankings. ED could cause students the most stress. Admissions decisions for ED are made in mid-December.

Early Action (EA)

Deadlines are the same as ED deadlines. Early Action is non-binding. Early Action can still be an advantage, especially if a college has a bigger or more competitive than normal applicant pool applying regular decision. Applying early confers the greatest advantage to females, who apply in greater numbers than males and to disadvantaged students. Early action decisions are made in December and January.

Regular Decision

Regular Decision deadlines are typically January 1st or 15th. To be safe, students applying Regular Decision should be finished testing by November (SAT) or October (ACT) of senior year. However, taking these tests in December of senior year is usually not too late. Like Early Action, Regular Decision is non-binding. Applicants usually receive their decisions in March or April.

Rolling Admissions

Students applying to a university with a Rolling Admissions policy can apply as late as the summer before the academic term. Students might be able to test as late as March (SAT) or April (ACT), but December would be safe. Decisions are usually returned within a few weeks of submission.
